Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of incidents where a person behaves in a threatening, violent or controlling way towards an intimate partner or family member.

The abuse can take the form of:

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial control
  • Emotional and psychological abuse
  • Coercive control and ‘gaslighting’ – using abuse or threat of abuse with the intention of isolating or degrading the victim
  • Online Abuse
  • Threats and Intimidation

You are not alone.  Every minute in the UK the police receive a call for help for domestic violence.

1 in 4 women experience domestic violence and help is available!

at 020 7263 1027 or 07557236874

Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247

Call the Police or 999 in an emergency.

Who else?

● Your GP could refer you and your child to a local organisation for emotional or psychological support.
● Your local authority may have a duty to provide you with emergency accommodation.
● Social services have a duty to help any child in need of emergency accommodation.
● A court can provide a court order to keep your abuser away.
● If it is difficult to communicate with the abuser regarding child maintenance then trained professionals such as the Child Maintenance Service could collect child maintenance on your  behalf; they understand the importance of protecting you and your child.

If you are thinking of leaving

Violence can often get worse if the abusive partner becomes aware of the victim leaving, so it is vital to consider safety at all times and make a plan, for example:

  • Put a bag in a hiding place where he will not see it or leave it with a friend
  • Collect together your birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, immigration papers, solicitors letters, court orders etc. relating to you and your children. You should also take any documentation relating to the abuse – e.g. police reports, court orders such as injunctions and restraining orders, and copies of medical records if you have them.
  • Also think about clothing, money for fares and food, a spare set of keys, medicines and toys for the children.
  • Leave the home when it is safe to do so, either when he is not at home or you can get away without further violence.

What the law says

  • Domestic Violence is a crime in the UK.
  • If you arrived recently in the UK awaiting for leave to remain and you are experiencing violence in the home, you can get legal help. You do not have to stay in a violent situation.
  • People who are violent towards you can be arrested, charged and may be imprisoned.
  • You can call the police and can consider pressing charges. This is your choice.
  • You can obtain orders from a court to prevent violence.
  • You can also obtain an order from the court to demand that the abuser leaves your home and does not return.
  • A solicitor can help you with this and you might be entitled to free legal help. You and your children have the right to live free of fear and violence


Domestic Violence Resources

KMEWO staff members can speak to you in KURDISH, ARABIC,
FARSI and ENGLISH and want to help you. 

What you do next is always your decision.

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