KMEWO's Digital Inclusion Project- A Good News to Share!

In May 2022 KMEWO became one of five UK charities to be awarded a twelve-month grant from Hubbub and Virgin Media O2’s, Tech Lending Community Fund.

This project is the first of its kind. Its main purpose is to empower survivors of domestic abuse digitally to the next level of their recovery in a safe and measured way. KMEWO acknowledges the increasing rise of digital exclusion, particularly seen during covid lockdown.

KMEWO’s Digital Inclusion Coordinator is Anthea Ranjit-Singh who secured free loans last year to our sister services; Latin American Women’s Aid (LAWA), London Black Women’s Project (LBWP), Ashiana Network and to KMEWOs own clients – totaling a stock of 102 IT Tablets and accessories.

Anthea proactively works with KMEWO clients providing digital online safety workshops, digital drop-in and 1:1 sessions. Essential digital support and workshops are also provided to KMEWOs sister organisations; plus quarterly evaluation of the project to KMEWOs funders.

KMEWO’s IT Tablet loan in a nutshell:

· Provision is for black and minoritised women who are in refuge or temporary accommodation.

· Survivors will be able to access essential services such as welfare benefit systems, local authority services, healthcare, education, training and apply for jobs.

· Tablets are pre-loaded with online safeguarding information, relevant weblinks and apps.

· Locators are turned off and cannot be reactivated accidentally.

· Tablets are powered with 20GB of free monthly data, accessed by the National Databank.

· Each refuge loan is for maximum bed space and for up to twelve months.

· The Digital Inclusion Coordinator works as a hub manager with refuges and other temporary accommodation provisions providing technical support for repairs, maintenance and re-loans. Plus, workshops and bespoke support as required.

The additional companies this project lends itself to are; Reconome (IT Tech support) and The Good Things Foundation (GTF).

GTF provides access to the National Databank and to a wide digital network across the UK, sharing news and information across sectors, as well as providing online training and webinars.

KMEWO are proud to have secured the funding for this project and to provide essential IT Tablets and support, to survivors across London. The project ends on 31 October (subject to further funding availability)

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