KMEWO Celebrates International Women's Day 2024 with the Launch of its Annual Report
8 March marks International Women’s Day, a day dedicated to women’s rights. Women’s rights are human rights and must be promoted, protected and respected as such. In 2024, we are in a better place than before, but there is still a long way to go. Today is a day to stand up for equality, equity, justice and inclusion!
KMEWO has been working tirelessly towards these values for 25 years to ensure that Black and Minoritised women, survivors of domestic Abuse and harmful practices have a loud voice in Islington, across London and in every single place where their human rights are found violated.
To mark International Women’s Day, we are launching our 2022-2023 Annual Report, showcasing the work we have done over the past year.
At a glance:
691 women felt safer and escaped abusive relationships through our specialist VAWG advocacy, advice and support.
77 women improved their mental health through 1:1 culturally sensitive counselling in their mother tongue
94 IT devices distributed to women in refuges to reduce digital isolation.
36 frontline professionals in the voluntary and statutory sectors received Harmful Practices for Professionals training to better understand the complex concept of harmful practices and its intersection with VAWG so that they can improve their responses to the needs of survivors of domestic abuse.