Women's Development and Employment Support

As a ‘led by and for’ Black and Minoritised Women’s Organisation, KMEWO supports VAWG survivors at their journey towards Safety, Recovery and Rebuild.

This three-year-project (2023-2026) falls under KMEWO’s Rebuild services. The aim of the programme is to create safe spaces for women to meet, socialiase and access services through:

  •  ESOL and Digital Skills Classes
  • Employment Skills Workshops
  • 1:1 Advice and Support to access education, CV writing, job search and volunteering.

If you are a community or a women’s group, a primary or a supplementary school and interested in setting up any of the above activities for  your group:

email: gulghutai@kmewo.com


Tel: 07724212497


 Funded By:



To make a self referral please Download referral form

Or submit an online form.


For more information about Employment Support Contact:


Mob: 07796054361

Email: sazan@kmewo.com

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