“For Honour and Love” training DVD, Gona Saed – Chair, KMEWO

Gona Saed – Chair, KMEWO
Gona began by welcoming everyone and giving thanks on behalf of the Management Committee of
KMEWO to the Nationwide Foundation without whom the ‘For Honour and Love’ training DVD
could not have been produced. Gona went on to thank the City Parocharial Foundation, Islington
Council and the Big Lottery without whom KMEWO would not have had the capacity to put on this

Thanks were also extended to KMEWO’s partners in this project, Eighteen & Under, the film
producers and the actors as well as staff at KMEWO, particularly the Director, Sawsan Salim;
Nadia Mahmood, who worked tirelessly on the production of this DVD; Jess Silverstone,
Development Worker; Antonia Rosati, Volunteer Co-ordinator and Hanan Babikir, Advice and
Outreach Worker. Finally, Gona thanked all the volunteers who have helped

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