general advice
KMEWO provides free, confidential and non-judgemental services in a safe and friendly environment for Kurdish, Middle Eastern and North African women.
Download a referral form.
Or submit online.
Access to KMEWO services:
- Primarily advice drop in surgeries
- Case work by appointments
- Outreach
- Information and advice on telephone
KMEWO offers general advice and information services and referral to specialist services on:
- Domestic Violence
- Mental Health (Counselling)
- Forced Marriage (FM)
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Honour Based Violence (HBV)
- Housing
- Welfare Benefit claims
- Education and Employability
- Health
- Advocacy for women affected by Domestic Violence and Honour Based Violence:
KMEWO have trained bilingual advocates who will provide emotional and practical support to women experiencing Domestic Violence and threats of Honour Based Violence. Women will be assisted to access safe-housing, police protection, MARAC, IDVA and legal advice on non-molestation orders or injunctions.
Contact Details
Tel: 020 7263 1027
Mobile: 07557236874
Opening hours:
Mon – Friday: 9.00am – 4:30pm
Services provided: 10am – 4pm
Out of office hours number: 07748851125