“I wasn’t allowed to know anything..”

My name is H***; I am a 27 year old from Algeria. I got married in 2015 to A** and he was 24 years older than me; he was my brother in law’s relative. He is a British citizen. At that time, he was working in Dubai. I joined him in Dubai in 2016, I got pregnant and he brought me to the UK by tourist Visa and I gave birth to my son in 2017.

Since I came to the UK, I have been the victim of domestic violence from my husband and his family. I got 10-year UK visa based on him. I had no permanent family home, and we were moving between my husband’s family houses. I experienced verbal, financial and emotional abuse from my husband on many occasions. When I was asking him to have our own family house, he was intimidating me by taking our son from me and sending me back to Algeria as him and our son are British.

I didn’t get any financial support from my husband as I was depending on him and I didn’t know if he was getting any benefits for my son, I wasn’t allowed to know anything. He controlled me and invaded my privacy; he was attending my meetings or appointments stating that I have no English language. He didn’t allow me to have friends or mix with others. I wasn’t registered with any GP. He didn’t let me enter any ESOL courses. He was excessively jealous, accusing me of having an affair with other men.

I am no longer in a relationship with A** but I was being harassed by him with constant phone calls and threats to take my son and not return him. He abused me physically twice. In the last incident his sister pushed me; all his family kicked me outside the house and took my son from me. I was outside till my sister negotiated with Ali to get my son back; she assisted me with making the journey to London to stay with her. I had NRPF, we lived with my sister for 4 months until social services provided me with accommodation base on KMEWO’s referral.

I didn’t know what is my right in the UK, my sister contacted Solace Women’s Aid help line and they gave her KMEWO’s number, we contacted them and arranged face to face appointment. Since then my life has been changed. They started their support by refer my case to children social services who provided us with accommodation. Now I feel stronger, empowered and have hope again.

Identified needs:

  • Risk Assessment & Safety planning
  • Immigration solicitor for DDV concession
  • Discuss non molestation order and child contact
  • Children social service involvement
  • Advice for GP registration
  • Counselling in her native language –Arabic
  • Support group and mentoring
  • Universal Credit application



  • Risk Assessment completed
  • Planned for personal safety and support
  • Referral to Children Social Service/ NRPF team
  • Referred to immigration solicitor, she got 3 months leave to remain
  • Registered with a GP and treatment in place for her high-level depression
  • Referred and started her counselling in Arabic language
  • Parenting Agreement through family solicitor
  • Emotional support and confidence building by attending support groups
  • Support letter for her immigration case

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