Tuesday 7 February 2023

KMEWO is delighted to publish its latest Annual Report which highlights the impact of the organisation in the VAWG Sector for the period 2021-2022.

The second year of Pandemic continued to challenge Black and Minoritised Women, survivors of Domestic Abuse and other Harmful Practices. The Covid-19 restrictions cultivated an environment of fear and insecurity about the future, where incidents of Domestic Abuse could easily rise. Women found themselves lonely and isolated, often fearing even for their lives. For one more year, the leadership of Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women’s Organisation as well as the frontline staff continued to support Kurdish Middle Eastern and  North African (KMENA) women by providing holistic services towards Safety, Recovery and Rebuild. When the restrictions of the Pandemic lifted, our charitable organisation implemented a hybrid model of work trying to create safe spaces both for the staff and survivors. This year like every year, KMEWO’s tireless staff worked very hard to make sure that our projects will be impeccably delivered. And they made it! We would like to extend a heartfelt Thank you to our Trustees, Staff and volunteers for making KMEWO thriving. Of course, without our Funders we could not have made it. It is their trust inspiring us to be as devoted as we can to our aims and values. And it is their support making our dreams come true! Thank you! See Full Version of the KMEWO Annual Report 2021-2022 (1)      
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