KMEWO's Survivors Coming Together to A Women's Only Wellbeing Group

Sadly, Domestic Abuse affects the mental as well as physical wellbeing of women who have experienced it. Studies have shown that survivors experience anxiety, depression, low self esteem as well as psychosomatic issues.
Falling under KMEWO’s Recovery Services , women’s only wellbeing groups have been proven an effective approach to support our survivors in their journey towards tackling the issues mentioned above as well as isolation!
After a successful series of wellbeing sessions offered to KMEWO’s survivors last year, we are pleased to announce that this September our survivors will come again together to a women’s only wellbeing group kindly funded by Islington Giving and Cripplegate Foundation.
On a weekly basis, they will have the chance again to spend some valuable time for themselves focusing on acquiring beneficial techniques for their physical and mental wellbeing.
From self- care to awareness to sleep improvement techniques, KMEWO’s caseworker and psychologist will convene our survivors, who have been supported by the organisation, to weekly 2-hour sessions, where they will have the chance to learn and unflold themselves and learn their experiences!
If you have been supported by KMEWO in the past and you are interested in joining us, please see the flyer for more information!
Date: Every Tuesday, from 5th of September-31st of October
Time: 10am-12pm
Caxton House, 129 St. John’s Way London, N19 3RQ
Email to:
Submit an online referral form.