KMEWO’s Statement in support of #ICchange

We urge the UK government to take action and ratify the Istanbul Convention on combating violence against women
The Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women’s Organisation (KMEWO) supports
#ICchange and urges the UK government to ratify the Istanbul Convention (IC) on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
Over 3 million women experience violence in the UK alone. Through our years of experience of working with BAME women who have suffered domestic violence, FGM, honour-based violence and forced marriage, we are fully aware of the urgent need for ending violence against women. Several women’s rights NGO’s and charities have made great efforts to prevent and combat violence against women, but without the full support of the UK government, we stand alone. Since signing the Convention, the UK has already taken steps toward changing the law to comply with the Convention on issues such as FGM and forced marriage. Only by ratifying the UK government will be legally bound to comply with the Convention and prioritize ending violence against women in all its forms.
The Istanbul Convention will create a strong, practical basis to prevent violence, protect women and girls from violence, prosecute perpetrators and monitor that states are living up to their obligations. We believe the Istanbul Convention will be a major step forward in making Europe and beyond a safer space for everyone, and we fully support the campaign to compel the UK
government to act on its earlier commitments and ratify the Istanbul Convention. Through this we can work together to protect women’s rights and end violence against women now.

Sign the petition here:

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Twitter: @ICChangeUK #ICchange

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