Statement by Zhiyan Group on the situation of girls and women kidnapped by ISIL

After the terrorist group of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the city of Mosul on June 10 2014 and their advance to the Iraqi Kurdistan10632759_666270933471044_1845398953403117329_n Regions cities and towns, including Sinjar, Zumar, and dozens of villages and other areas on August 03, 2012, they have committed hundreds and thousands of crimes, such as beheadings and lootings and humiliating women. Among such infamous crimes against humanity was keeping, selling and raping of thousands of girls and women in accordance with their so-called jihad marriages; the victims were used as sex-slaves and bought and sold in other countries. This disaster shook the Kurdish society, Iraq and the world.
Zhiyan Group felt responsible as its main duty to implement the documentation such inhumane crime which in contrast with the human morals, international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, particularly 1820 Resolution  of the United Nations Security Council, which reiterates that women and children should be protected from any sexual abuse.
The project:
The first task of the group was preparing a form to announce the project, in which detailed information was gathered about the name, age, occupation, address and the marital status of the victims.  To achieve this, Zhiyan Group formed a 16-member voluntary team to visit the province of Duhok, in cooperation with a nine-member team of activists and personalities from Duhok as well. Within three days, visits were made to Khanke Camp, Sharya Town and Deraboon, where ten of thousands of Yezidi refugees live fleeing from the ISIL fighting.
Our teams paid visits to a thousand families and gathered information on the kidnapped women from their immediate family members. Meanwhile, Zhiyan Group set up a six-member team in the city of Sulaimani, aiming to visit Bazyan, Rizgari, Allayee, Tasluja and Arbat areas inside and outside the city; Dozens of cases were registered in these areas.   Statistics:
As a result of our field visits to a thousand Yezidi families and refugees in the camps of both provinces of Duhok and Sulaimani, we have collected the following data:

  • 448 girls and women      were registered in Khanke, Sharya and Deraboon.
  • 71 girls and women were      registered in the city of Sulaimani      and its surrounding areas of Tasluja, Arbat, Rizgari,  Bazyan and Allayee.
  • 155 children under 13      year of age were registered in the city of Duhok and the Khanke, Sharya and      Deraboon Camps.
  • 36 children under 13      years of age were registered in the city of Sulaimani and its surrounding areas of      Tasluja, Arbat, Rizgri, Bazyan and Allayee.

Total number of kidnapped girls and women between 13 to 70 years of age is 519.
Total number of registered children until age of 12 is 191.

Project Objective:
The main goal of this activity was obtaining information and the documentation of this disaster. We also hope that foreign countries and the international community will support and recognize this dossier. We also want to provide the Kurdistan parliament and the concerned authorities of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), namely the ministries of Labor and Social affairs and Health as well as the international agencies, especially the UN,  International Re Cross, Human Rights Watch and Unicef with enough information and documentation.

What should be done for the girls and women victims of ISIL:

–          Every feasible way should be approached to return those girls and women who were kidnapped and their safety must be guaranteed.

–         Special accommodation should be provided for those girls and women who are released by ISIL and their safety must be ensured.

–          Opening of psychotherapy centers: this step is the duty of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), especially the Ministry of Health.

Future Plan and Continuation of this Activity:

–          The activity will continue in the near future.

–          Informing the parliaments of Sweden and Norway and other countries.

–         Informing the European Parliament and demanding support for this dossier.

–         Contacting the UN, which has already been informed.

–         Contacting the Kurdish and other local organizations in the foreign countries.

–         A general committee will be set up and it will be tasked to gather information. This step will prevent the duplication of the names. Other parties will be invited to coordinate in the process of the name registration.


Information on the statistics:

–          The females above 13 years of age have been registered as adults since female children were the subject of abuse and have been forcefully married.

–         Female children were separately registered.

–         In this information-gathering process, the main share was allocated for girls and women and children. However, names of numerous men have been registered in a separate list.

Zhiyan Group
September 17, 2014




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